Unmasking the Masks: Summary of Studies Regarding the Efficacy and Safety of Mask Wearing (prepared by Deborah Brakeley, M.ED., R.C.C.)
This summary consists of conclusions from numerous studies and articles that document the
ineffec3veness of masks, risk of harm from mask-wearing, and lastly, a section with references for
the summary points cited. This may a useful resource for consideration in places where the use
of masks to reduce COVID-19 transmission may be contemplated.
Wearing masks in the community likely makes little or no difference to the outcome of
laboratory-confirmed influenza/SARS-CoV-2 infec3on compared to not wearing masks. There is
a significant lack of clinical evidence to support their use. Many studies show them to be
ineffec3ve. Public policy regarding mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have
been based on assump3ons of what may be true rather than on current and previous quality
evidence related to their actual effec3veness.
Unmasking-the-Masks.-D.Brakeley15Oct.23Click here to add your own text