Entries by Dr. Cockle

Paragons of Ethical Medicine Attacked by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (prepared and read by Dr. Cockle)

Left unchecked, the arbitrary power of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC threatens the health and well-being of all British Columbians as well as the core values of Canadian democracy. A handful of headstrong, and ethically courageous, British Columbian doctors have stood up and voiced their concerns about the potential harms associated with […]

It’s Time to Restore Ethical Integrity at the University of British Columbia. An Open Letter to the UBC Administration (prepared and read by Dr. Cockle)

An Open Letter to the UBC Administration, read by its author, Dr. Cockle“It’s Time To Restore Ethical Integrity at the University of British Columbia: An Open Letter to the UBC Administration”, March 17, 2023. I have written this open letter because I believe UBC’s COVID-19 genetic vaccine mandate was egregiously unethical. I refuse to accept […]